CarnalHealing Page 6
“Mmm,” purred Leonore. She was thoroughly enjoying Jeff’s reaction. Her magic, although bubbling just below the surface, was staying easily in check as if it too, was enjoying this teasing game. “One more helping, I think.”
Again, she applied the custard and again, she plunged her mouth over his organ. This time, she swallowed the dessert, then opened her throat and slid the head all the way in. She’d never deep-throated anyone with a cock this big before, and had been unsure she’d be able to do so now.
Not, however, as surprised as Jeff, judging by his reaction. “Oh god, I’m going to come if you keep doing that.”
“Go ahead,” Leonore surprised herself a little by saying. “What’s a little more custard?” She again sucked the big head all the way into her throat, then started up a rhythm. Let’s see how long you can last while I’m doing this. Her magic gave a funny little undulation, as if it was amused by Leonore’s game.
She started to count mentally. One… She plunged, sucked, pulled back just enough and surged forward again. Two…
She had made it to twenty when her magic gave a sudden thrust outward, spilling into Jeff. Or maybe surrounding him, she couldn’t tell. “Ah-aaaahhhh!!!” He almost shouted, and Leonore felt a great throb, followed quickly by a second, and his seed was spurting into her mouth. She steeled herself for the taste she had always found mildly unpleasant, and was surprised when it was instead quite…what? Not good, exactly. More…right. He pulsed a third time and she swallowed again.
Leonore felt her magic retreat, just as Jeff’s cock started to soften. She released him, finally able to look up at his face. He was staring at her with an expression she couldn’t quite name. Shock? Amazement? He seemed unable to speak.
Leonore was a little amazed herself. She’d given men plenty of men head, but mostly in order to get them hard and keep them that way, so that they could serve her purpose. The few times they’d come in her mouth, it hadn’t been her idea, and the primary emotion she’d experienced was annoyance at having to start over, to get them ready to give her what she needed. And, if her magic had been affected by the act, it had only been to telegraph urgency to get it over with and move on to the main event. This time, both Leonore and her power had felt…what? Playful.
“Come here.” Jeff had apparently recovered his powers of speech, and he was gesturing for Leonore to get off her knees and join him on the bed. Making sure she didn’t step in the dessert plate, she complied, and he pulled her into his arms. Letting her head nestle against his shoulder felt both odd and comfortable at the same time.
“I hope you don’t think we’re done,” said Jeff, a little huskily. “Although that was the most amazing blowjob I’ve ever had.”
“I have the feeling you have pretty good powers of recovery,” said Leonore. Her magic purred silkily just under her skin, as if agreeing with her and, thus, willing to be patient for the moment.
“And, by the way, I was supposed to be using you as a plate.”
“I didn’t use you as a plate, exactly,” said Leonore. “More like a…a popsicle stick.” She giggled. Gawd, did I actually just say that? And I don’t think I’ve ever actually giggled in bed before.
Jeff, who had no way of knowing how uncharacteristic the joke was, chuckled appreciatively.
“Well, lucky for you, your intuition is good.”
“Hmmm?” Leonore was distracted by the vista from her position against Jeff’s shoulder, which afforded an excellent view of his chest and abdomen. He’d draped a corner of the sheet across his loins, but she could see the beginning of the dark line of his pubic hair.
“About my powers of recovery. You said you had a feeling they would be good.”
“Oh?” Leonore looked more closely at the sheet. Sure enough, a trace of movement stirred the soft cotton folds. She rolled a little farther onto her side so that she could reach a hand down and slip it under the smooth edge of the sheet. His cock was still mostly flaccid, but there was an unmistakable swelling, and she felt Jeff tense a little as she tested it. “Very nice.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Jeff’s hand cupped her breast. “Because I’ve barely gotten to show you what I can do with it.”
Leonore felt her magic jump, or was the tingle of anticipation just her healthy body’s response to the promise of more pleasure? She was finding it increasingly difficult to separate the two. Maybe this was why the magic kept getting away from her.
Her musings were interrupted as the shaft in her hand swelled noticeably. She squeezed again. “Just what do you plan to show me?” She could hear the unfamiliar teasing tone in her own voice and liked it.
Jeff pulled himself up onto an elbow and reached down, slipping a finger into the cleft of her pussy. “You’re soaking wet.”
She was. Leonore felt his finger slip in as easily as a knife through butter. He straddled her, but didn’t settle his weight against her, and Leonore stretched luxuriantly against the soft pillows. She felt herself open, ready for him. His fingers made feathery movements along her clit, teasing her. Her magic prickled but did not threaten to erupt, seeming to enjoy the titillation along with her.
He moved back far enough to use his hands to spread her legs apart, and positioned the thick head of his cock at the wet entrance to her cunt, then put his hands on either side of her head. Leonore started to close her eyes, but Jeff protested.
“No, look at me.” And she did. Staring into pupils so large they almost hid the intense blue of his irises, Leonore kept her gaze locked as he leaned forward, slowly forcing his huge cock into her pussy. Her body clenched, but she was so wet and he was so hard that he continue to slide and he thrust all the way into her in one single, long, excruciatingly slow stroke.
Just as he reached the point where he could go no farther, he put his mouth over hers, kissing her and probing with his tongue. She responded in kind, their tongues dancing and tasting, entwined. She felt his cock slide slickly back and thrust again, this time not as slowly. Still the kiss went on as Jeff found a rhythm, and Leonore was lost to an interior world where drumbeats seemed to keep time to the pounding in her cunt.
Dimly, she realized she was hearing the response of her magic but it seemed to be content to join the dance while remaining in her, which was good because, as Jeff continued to hammer into her, she suspected she was helpless to control it. And she didn’t want to think about her magic right now—she wanted to give herself over fully to the wonderful, aching breadth of his cock and the cadence of his thrusts.
The building tension that portended her orgasm suddenly intensified, and Leonore had no time to prepare for explosive burst before it was upon her. Her back arched and she lifted her ass from the bed, despite Jeff’s not insubstantial weight. She pulled her mouth from the kiss and cried out inarticulately.
Jeff’s plunges slowed but did not stop. “There you go,” he said, his voice almost normal. “That’s what I like to hear.”
“You can—come if—you want to,” she managed to gasp in response.
He chuckled. “Oh, not yet. Not this time.” He pulled out of her abruptly, causing her to almost whimper. She felt as if her power was reaching through her cunt, trying to pull him back. Then, he was lifting her, turning her around, so that she was on her knees and facing away from him. She could feel the hot juices running from her pussy, and knew them to be unmingled with his.
Have I ever been this wet?
Again, she felt the head of his cock pressing against her, thrusting inside her. She was so wet and open, and he slid in so easily that, in this position, it felt as if he was even deeper inside her. One hand reached around and circled her mound, then found her clit. It flicked and circled, intensifying the pleasure. She could hear the slap of their bodies joining as he drove into her again and again.
“Oh…oh…OH!” She was coming again, her inner muscles grasping tightly against his rock-hard shaft. In and out, in and out. He seemed tireless, barely winded. Her magic sang against the surface of her
skin. She opened her eyes and the very air around her seemed full of dancing colors. She wondered if Jeff could see them, too.
Again, he withdrew. “Having fun?” he purred in her ear.
“Oh, yes!” was all she could manage to say before he spun her around, pulling her so that her ass was even with the edge of his tall bed. He stepped back and came to stand between her spread legs, which he grasped and lifted so that her calves rested on his shoulders. He was back inside her in seconds, resuming his rhythm. The angle made the top of his cock press against her clit as it slid with an increased tempo, and yet another orgasm rocked her. How many times can I come?
But it seemed that the intensity and the pounding rhythm was finally affecting Jeff, because she felt his body bathe suddenly with sweat and his breathing take on a ragged note. “Leonore,” he said. “Oh, god, Leonore!”
His body stiffened and his head went back, and she saw the veins standing out plainly in his neck, his heartbeat clearly visible in the cleft above his breastbone. And, in that moment, when she had forgotten caution, her magic burst from her like water from a fountain. The colors in the room glowed like the Aurora Borealis, then winked out, but the tingle of the magic did not diminish as quickly. Jeff’s eyes, thankfully closed during the fireworks, opened slowly.
“What is that?” he said, sounding a little stunned.
“What is what?” Leonore managed to reply. The magic was receding, but not fast enough. It buzzed like a mild electrical current.
“Can’t you feel it?”
Leonore regained a little more of her control, and the now-faltering magic finally withdrew completely. “Feel what?” She pulled back a little on the bed and felt Jeff’s now-flaccid penis slide from her body. It left a noticeable void.
“Come on, Leonore, I know you know what I’m talking about. That…rush that seems to happen whenever we have any kind of sex.”
“It’s called an orgasm, Jeff.” Leonore hoped her tone was dry. If she just didn’t acknowledge the sharing of magic, maybe he’d buy that it was just exceptionally intense sex.
Jeff shook his head. “No, I assure you I know what an orgasm feels like. This is something else. Are you seriously telling me you don’t feel it, too?”
“Oh, I felt plenty, believe me.” She hoped that by sounding playful, she could distract him. And I should think about getting out of here.
But she didn’t feel like leaving—not just yet, anyway. The bed was comfortable and the sensation Jeff’s substantial bulk settling in next to her was oddly pleasant. Maybe she’d stay for just a little while. Twenty minutes. Thirty, tops.
“Okay, be mysterious if you want to.” Jeff’s voice was starting to sound a little sleepy. It should, considering he’d just come like a freight train. Twice. “I’ll get it out of you eventually.”
“That’s what you think.”But Leonore wasn’t sure she felt as smug as she sounded.
* * * * *
I can’t believe I actually spent the night with him.
“I can’t believe you actually spent the night with him!” Millie’s voice boomed through the remote earpiece that connected to Leonore’s cell phone, causing her to wince. “I can’t wait to hear what Letisha says about it.”
“Don’t you dare tell Tish. I’ll never hear the end of it.” Leonore squinted in the glare reflecting off the hood of her car.
Ludmilla snorted, an uncharacteristic sound that contrasted with her ultra-feminine image. “As if she isn’t going to get it out of you in the first ten seconds, next time you see her. And if you didn’t intend her to know, you never would have told me.”
“I wouldn’t have told you if you hadn’t caught me off guard,” said Leonore.
“Oh, yes, you would have. I’m giving you a manicure this afternoon, remember? I would know the moment I touched your hand.”
“Maybe,” Leonore conceded.
“Definitely. And don’t try to change the subject. Tell me everything about him. What does he do for a living? Is he gorgeous? Rich? Details, sister, I need details!”
It was impossible to be annoyed with Millie for any length of time, and Leonore laughed. Or was it Leonore’s own mood that put her in this irrepressible good humor?
“I don’t kiss and tell,” she teased, gratified to hear Ludmilla groan. “But I’ll let you try to drag it out of me later anyway.” Leonore looked up, realizing she had reached her destination. “Millie, I have to hang up now. I’ll see you at two.”
“Okay, but don’t be late. My schedule is packed this afternoon and, besides, I’m dying to hear everything.” Millie made a kissing sound and ended the call, and Leonore concentrated on steering her car through the security gate and into the Mass General parking garage.
Although she’d managed to sneak out before Jeff woke up, he’d told her his schedule last night, and she knew he wouldn’t be in the hospital until late morning. She wanted to see Lucy before he arrived.
Leonore generally didn’t check up those she anonymously healed. But something had been nagging at her ever since she awoke, despite her lovely mood. It was like a sour note in the background of a beautiful symphony. She had finally identified it as a mild sense of anxiety about the child she had met the previous morning. She’d been almost home when she found herself turning her car around and heading back in the direction from which she’d come. Her route hadn’t taken her directly in front of Jeff’s apartment building, but she’d still felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she passed his block.
Her sense of foreboding increased as Leonore got off the elevator. The quiet sour note had grown into a discordant gong, and apprehension prickled the back of her neck.
Something is wrong. Checking the hallway for anyone who might stop her, she edged quickly into Lucy’s room and closed the door.
The child’s appearance shocked her. The rosy glow that Leonore had noticed with such satisfaction less than twenty-four hours before was gone, replaced by a pallor even more alarming than the original had been.
“Lucy?” She spoke softly, and the little girl did not stir. She was entirely too still, and Leonore felt rising panic as she placed her hand on the small chest, to be replaced by relief when she felt the steady heartbeat.
The relief was short-lived, however. Nausea rose in Leonore’s throat as she perceived the unmistakable sensation of cancer cells.
Impossible. I know I got all of it yesterday.
Leonore shook off her own puzzlement deliberately. It didn’t matter how the cancer had returned—right now, the important thing was to destroy it. As she had the day before, Leonore began to seek out and destroy the malignant cells, again carefully avoiding the “soldiers”, easily identifiable by their wholesome feel.
It took longer than it had the first time, and Leonore began to be afraid that Lucy’s parents would show up at any moment and demand an explanation. Why are these new cancer cells more evil than the old ones? Why are they even here? Again, she was thankful for the strength imparted by her recent lovemaking with Jeff. Strong and plentiful as the corrupt cells were, Leonore’s magic destroyed them easily, seeming to relish each tiny victory. Pop, pop, pop.
Finally, Leonore could find no further signs of cancer, and Lucy was beginning to stir. Not wanting the child to see her again and, perhaps, mention her to her parents, Leonore went quickly to the door and opened it. Seeing no one in the hall, she slipped past, leaving it open as she had found it. She headed toward the elevator.
She took no more than three steps before stumbling. A horrible sensation seemed to spread everywhere though her body at once, making her gasp. Her magic recoiled like a finger that had come in contact with a hot flame.
What is this? Leonore’s vision blurred and panic threatened to overcome her. There was something familiar about the sensation, but she couldn’t quite remember why. She looked around her, both to check whether anyone was noticing her discomfort and to try to find a source for the ghastly sense of…of evil that was weighing her down. Luckily, no one seemed to
be paying any attention to her, and Leonore began to feel a lessening in the panic and apprehension that surrounded her.
Then, from the corner of her eye, she saw something dark move quickly. She spun just in time to see the figure of a man turning the corner near the elevator. The suffocating sensation seemed to lessen as he moved farther away.
Leonore looked at the elevator and then at the hallway where the man had disappeared. She longed to escape the floor where, at any moment, Lucy’s parents might appear. Or Jeff might decide to come in early. But suddenly, Leonore felt—no, knew with complete certainty that the figure she had glimpsed was responsible not only for the cloud of malice that was even now dissipating, but for Lucy’s relapse.
Running would attract unwanted attention, so Leonore strode very briskly toward the corner where the man had disappeared. She couldn’t remember ever being in this particular section of hallway, which she usually avoided because it required walking very closely past the nurses’ station. Luckily, only one person was currently behind the desk and he was engrossed in a telephone conversation. He took no notice as Leonore rounded the corner and headed down the hall, trying hard to display a sense of confidence she did not feel.
Longer than the hall where Lucy’s room was located, this one also ended in a glass door with an exit sign above it. The man, who Leonore could now see had very dark hair and clothing to match, had almost reached the end of the hall, and seemed to be heading for the stairwell. She wondered if an alarm would sound if he opened the door, like the sign in the other hallway warned.
Leonore soon had her answer. The man reached the door and pushed it open without hesitation. No sound ensued, and Leonore felt a sense of panic. He’s getting away! She was tempted to sprint.
The man paused, turning. As his face came around and his gaze met hers, Leonore felt a flash of recognition. She knew, also, why the sensation of evil had felt familiar. It was the man from the parking garage yesterday morning, the one who had stared at her as if he knew she was hiding a secret. She had felt the same stir of malice then, although to a much lesser degree. Unbidden, she slowed down and then stopped, wanting to pursue him but unable to do so. Her magic hummed, communicating a warning beat. Danger! Danger!